Getting Lost and Bending the Map

It's summertime, and a nice time to immerse in a good book. It…

Open the window shades. Look under more rocks.

It was odd. Unnerving. And a little disorienting too. After we…

Talk to each other people! Avoiding shipwreck.

The dense fog wasn't bothering me at all. Once we were twenty…

There it is again. Weird works.

In 1968 Dick Fosbury astonished the world at the Mexico City…

Fake It Until You Become It

"The signature of mediocrity is chronic inconsistency." - Jim…

Go. Conceive and Deliver Art

In 1943, Richard James was a naval engineer trying to develop…

Between Not Doing and Doing is an act of bravery

"Annie, Fynn sees through your eyes." "What?" says my seven…

The Dividends of Giving

In the wake of hurricane Katrina, numerous people throughout…

Lead with Your Footprints

The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say ‘no’ to almost everything. - Warren Buffett What you say "yes" to, shows others what you value.

Where's Your Woodshed?

Woodshedding is an old jazz expression – it means to go deep…

Do the Right Thing

It never really occured to me. It didn't occur to my wife. Candy…

Beat Your Own Awesomeness, Lead by Doing

First ask yourself, "Do I behave with high integrity?" The majority…

Day-glo 80's ski tricks, Border Smashers, and Dinner Rolls

Before Roger Bannister broke the four minute mile, a group of…

Turkeys, Flash Freezing and Cafeteria Trays

In late 1953 the Swanson brothers had a glut of turkey.  Swanson…

Turn the small screws

Think big! Blue sky! Anything is possible! Let's build the next…

The New Reciprocity: Give and Forget

I was listening to a podcast yesterday of Adam Grant talking…

Listen thoughtfully, carefully, mindfully...then do something

Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must first set yourself on fire. —Reggie Leach Take a chance. Ask a question, express an opinion, build a prototype. Fail forward.

In the Name of Love

Michael Stallard told me this story of the band U2. From the…

No Regrets

If you've ever heard Marshall Goldsmith speak, you'll know he…

Labels, mazes and stupefying change

Francis Hesselbein was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom,…