Make it Human, Connect with the Impact

There’s a small trick, a small shift in thinking, in mindset,…

The Velocity of Learning

You don't often think of learning as having a speed, a velocity,…

Your product is not what you sell, it's the difference you make

Your product is the impact you make, the change you affect, the…

Why can’t a cell phone be like a cow?

I'm grateful for an interview the other day with Iqal Quadir,…

Money is a by product of contributing value and meaning

As the legend goes, Peter Drucker was once asked by a business…

Why Change is Hard - Embrace the Unfamiliar

Sometimes you make a leap. Perhaps you buy that new car you've…

You're more likely to be fired by your team than your boss

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” Ken Hicks, CEO of Foot…

When you Systematize, You Sterilize

"To systematize is to sterilize." - Shlomo Maital Lionel Messi…

Gratitude = Meaning = Performance = Happiness

The results were clear: Higher levels of optimism, increased…

Exploring New Terrain - Giving Greatness

There's a sublimely beautiful spot in the north woods of Maine…

Engage. Connect. Deviate.

Theoretical physicist Richard Feynman once said, “You can know…

Lessons from Challenger, Build Hope and Be Accountable

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things…

Better Leaders: Build purpose and get out of the way

Your brand is a lagging indicator of the quality of your culture,…

Hit a Wall? Your Mindset Matters

"Borders? I have never seen one. But I have heard they exist…

Changing Face of 21st Century Leadership

What do you respect, admire, and expect in the best leaders…

Turn Anxiety into Positive Action

In the always-on bottle rocket economy, in which creative contributors…

Tim Sanders Intro - Cultures of Confidence

I had the fun opportunity to introduce Tim Sanders to our SkillSoft…

Invite a Penguin to Your Next Meeting

Years ago, Matt May was consulting to a Detroit car company.…

Do You Create Superheroes?

What creates a high performer? Is it how many degrees they have,…

Shared beats Borrowed Brilliance

Have you ever worked with a group of carpenters? Then asked…