Entries by Shawn Hunter

Make Innovation Accessible

Gary Hamel believes there’s a very good chance that over the next few years we are going to see a revolution in management.  A revolution just as profound as the revolution in management that gave birth to the industrial age.  One of the primary influencing factors is the compounding rapidity of change we’re facing.  Product […]

Leadership character vs. The Hippo

Paul Templer is from Zimbabwe and grew up with my college roommate Anton, so I had the privilege to meet him years ago when he was traveling the states.  When he was visiting us in NC, I commented how much I appreciated his velskoene shoes from Africa – they are traditional leather bush boots, pronounced […]

Law #6 of the Saver Soldier: The Law of the Last Mile

Ever moved? Wrapped the flatware and taped and labeled the boxes? It wasn’t moving the sofa and the bookcase and dining room table that almost broke you – you had friends, pizza and beer when that went down. It was disassembling, organizing and cleaning the fridge that killed. Or it was the ancient college papers, […]

I Renamed It: Shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods

About a year ago I interviewed the pro-blogger and marketing guru David Meerman Scott.  I asked him, why don’t my blog readers comment that often?  He said I probably wasn’t saying incendiary or controversial things, which is fine depending on what I was trying to accomplish – and what I’m really trying to accomplish is […]

Building transparency builds trust

“Trust your people.  No matter what happens. When you give trust you get trust.” -Howard Behar, Former President, Starbucks Howard said it referencing internal transparency, but of course he was standing on the shoulders of giants before him who said it many times over about the importance of honesty among colleagues.  What happens when you […]

The culture defines the outcome

Autonomy, mastery and purpose are the new building blocks for the emerging workspace – or what Pamela Meyer calls our Play-space.  Because as Don Tapscott reminds us the emerging Net Gen has it right: work = collaboration = creativity = fun = work The Results Only Work Environment is coming of age and the hypertension-inducing […]

Inspiration favors a prepared mind

On the 18th hole of the British Open a few years back, Gary Player was mired 8 feet deep in a greenside bunker without even a view of the flag.  From this preposterous position he opened the clubface and pitched the ball straight up over the wall and, after bouncing twice, rolled it into the […]

Dan Ariely on Pricing and Perception

My thanks to colleague Kieran who reminded me of this lesson from Dan Ariely, who we filmed recently.  He uses the example of an advertisement in the Economist magazine offering three options for subscription to illustrate the power of pricing and positioning.  The Economist came out with the following offering: Online version for $59 – […]

Forget Everything You Know

“Innovation doesn’t happen by spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.” A big thanks to my colleague Taavo who pressed me to read Gary Hamel’s The Future Of Management. Previously I’ve posted here about the importance of product innovation, as defined by Michael Treacy, or business model innovation, as described by Clayton Christensen, or […]